Podcast: (Still) Not Ready For Primetime - Bears/Packers

At this point it's basically a dare to see if NBC can still get ratings for this crap

Podcast: (Still) Not Ready For Primetime - Bears/Packers

For some reason the NFL insists on foisting the Bears and Packers in Lambeau at night, on national TV on us. They should know better.

The Bears were overmatched, again, and while they kept the score superficially close, the outcome was really never in doubt. The Bears ran the ball well at the beginning and near the end, but did nothing in between.

The guys try to figure out what what any of it means, and why Trevis Gipson is going to be in trouble if the league makes him pee in the cup this week.

They discuss why a team would possibly be in the shotgun at the goal line, why the Bears only threw 11 passes and what present George Halas once left Mike Ditka after a similar loss.

And, they look ahead to the return of Lovie and hope he still hasn't figured out when to use his timeouts.

He hasn’t.

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