None of this needed to happen

Baseball's owners have decided we just don't already hate then enough

None of this needed to happen

Well, at least Rob’s having a great time. Honestly, to look at that photo you’d think he was announcing they’d actually agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement, or at the very least that he’d found a coupon for Orchids of Asia in his pants pocket.

To the surprise of anyone dumb enough to believe Bob Nightengale, the revised, but still arbitrary, deadline set by baseball’s owners to have a new CBA passed yesterday without a deal. And, just like another courageous leader, Judge Elihu Smails, Rob Manfred had no choice but to cancel the first week’s worth of regular season games. He didn’t want to do it. He felt he owed it to us.

How well did Rob’s press conference go where he announced the cancellations? Well, he got stumped on a question by Jesse Rogers.

You get outwitted by Jesse and man, that’s just grim.

Reports from the owner friendly baseball media (Boob, Heyman, Mark Feinsand) late Monday night were that the sides were closing in on an agreement and that some big things were all but settled.