Count on the Cubs to learn the wrong lesson from these playoffs

It's been fun to watch the big winners bow out early, but the Cubs are enjoying it for a different reason than we are

Count on the Cubs to learn the wrong lesson from these playoffs

The LCS’ haven’t started yet but already the 111-win Dodgers, 101-win Barves, and the 101-win Mets have been eliminated. Just the possibility of the Dodgers’ being eliminated in their first round of the playoffs caused this dope to write this completely moronic opinion piece and for some reason the LA Times chose to print it.

It was so dumb that I was convinced for a minute that the Times was letting David Haugh write for them, but it turns out to be a guy named Paul Thornton, who typically writes about politics and climate change, hopefully with more sense than he wrote about baseball.

He’s arguing that the playoffs are bad because the best teams won’t always win. Yeah, that’s kind of the point. The playoffs are a tournament. If the best teams won every tournament game, tournaments would be really boring.

He’s not the only one complaining about two wild card teams, the 89-win Padres and 87-win Phillies getting to play for the pennant this week. But the problem isn’t that “great” teams like the Dodgers, Barves and Mets aren't still alive in the postseason. The problem is that we thought they were great in the first place.