Young Frankenstein Movie Deep Dive

Everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about one of the funniest movies ever

Young Frankenstein Movie Deep Dive

Pointless Exercise isn’t just your favorite newsletter (wink, wink) it’s also the home to greatest podcast network ever. If you’ve never listened to one of our movie pods, man do I have a treat for you.

The Movie Deep Dive Podcast with actor/comedian Mike Pusateri returns with the long promised, much anticipated Young Frankenstein episode. It’s one of the funniest movies ever made and toes the line between smart and stupid better than almost any other film ever has. Gene Wilder said it was his favorite movie and Mel Brooks said it’s his best. So kick back, and enjoy this loving look back the movie, its casting decisions,  how it almost wasn’t in black in white (in Peru, anyway) and how Gene Hackman ended up in it. If nothing else, you’ll get to hear a lot of really funny clips.

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Young Frankenstein is currently available on Amazon Prime Video.

Check out all of our other Movie Deep Dives