Wait. Who won a Gold Glove? Really?
Plus a better short term option at first base and a look at the sad state of Marquee

Remember the time that Rafael Palmeiro won the American League Gold Glove at first base in a season when he only played 28 games at first base? Yeah, wow, that was pretty bad, right.
I bring that up for no apparent reason.
Congratulations to Ian Happ who won the Gold Glove in the National League this year in left field. Not bad for being the third best defensive outfielder on his own team.
In 2011, Major League Baseball ended the practice of giving the three best defensive outfielders in each league regardless of position the Gold Glove. So now the “best” left fielder, center fielder and right fielder in each league wins.
When you’re a kid they put the worst player in right field because the ball rarely gets hit that way. But as you grow up it evens out and you realize that left field is the easiest position on the field to play. Of the outfielders, you have the shortest throws, balls that aren’t hit straight hook more than they slice to left which are easier to catch and when it’s hit really hard you just stand there and hope it goes foul. Plus, you can play extra deep because Nico will catch most of the ones hit into short left. Wait, what did I say? I wasn’t talking about anybody in particular, I was generalizing.