Still time to do nothing

The Cubs have gaping holes, and there is no top 20 in Chicago media

Still time to do nothing

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You know things are going great when you’re less than a month from the start of spring training and your fanbase is clinging to meaningless headlines like, “Baseball Executives Expect Cubs To Be Most Aggressive Team Over Next Few Weeks” and “Widespread Belief That Bellinger And Cubs Will Reunite.”

You might think those are encouraging headlines, but they’re clearly planted and no matter who’s doing the planting, what it really means is that fuck all is actually happening.

Both headlines were likely the result of agents trying to gin up interest and trying to attach a big market team1 to make it seem like things are really happening. Less likely, they were planted by the Cubs who want it to seem like they are actually doing something, but this bunch seems far more likely to want to avoid giving fans anything to hope for.

The Cubs pitchers and catchers will report to Mesa on February 14 and the rest of the squad on the 19th. And the team still doesn’t have a first baseman or a third baseman or a third baseman, or at best, 40% of a bullpen.