Podcast: Remember This Crap - Bears/Giants 1987, Super Bowl XXI.5

The last two Super Bowl champions opened the season on a Monday night, and the Bears kicked the Giants asses, again

Podcast: Remember This Crap - Bears/Giants 1987, Super Bowl XXI.5

It’s hard to express just how hyped the season opener for the Bears was in 1987. It was on Monday Night Football, it was against the defending Super Bowl Champion Giants, both teams had been 14-2 in the 1986, they had met in the 1985 NFC Championship Game and the Bears dominated them…and, Mike Tomczak was playing QB for the Bears!

OK, maybe that part wasn’t all that hyped.

So join us as we break down the game with footage curated by two dudes in England who look like they were hosting the 20th century version of a Chuggo podcast:

UK Chuggo

(If laptops were a thing back then, they’d be balancing them on their groins.)

The Giants were the best team in football, allegedly, and the Bears beat the crap out of them. Phil Simms gets knocked out of the game and dares to return. Tomczak has the quarter of his life. Ron Morris makes a ridiculous touchdown catch, Dennis McKinnon returns from a knee injury that cost him all of 1986 and makes one of the greatest punt returns you’ll ever see.

It was a great game, and a reminder that the 1985 Bears didn’t stop being dominant right after the Super Bowl.

And wait until you “see” (hear about) the greatest player of all time sneaking painkillers on the bench. No, not the linebacker on the Giants.

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Here’s the cut down version of the game hosted by our handsome UK buddies

And here’s the full version (trust me, it’s there)

Ooh, and maybe you want to re-live our Bears-Giants podcast from last year where we break down one of football’s longest-running rivalries, even if there was a pretty big gap between games there for a while.

And, now’s still a good time to buy your “The Bears Don’t Suck, You Do” shirt.