Podcast: Remember This Crap? - Bears v. Washington Football Whatevers

The two have a long, storied history, and some of it is even good

Podcast: Remember This Crap? - Bears v. Washington Football Whatevers

The Washington NFL franchise has been in existence nearly as long as the Bears but they've won more Super Bowls (though fewer total championships) and been much more racist.

Their first owner was forced to integrate his team or be denied access to his new stadium, and they had a coach who likely was only pretending to be Native American (no, not Joe Gibbs).

The guys look back at the glory days of both franchises (they were both good in the '40s and '80s) and long stretches of bad. The two have shared coaches over the years for better or worse.

The Bears have had surprisingly bad recent luck against Washington, and by recent we mean the last SIXTEEN games going back three decades. The Redskins kicked off the Bears dominant era in the mid-80s and then ended it...twice.

So kick back and enjoy a breezy look at 90 years of matchups between the two franchises.

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