Podcast: Movie Deep Dive – Major League
"I don't know. Can I get back to you Charlie? I got a guy on the other line about a set of whitewalls."

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Andy and Mike P. give the 1989 classic movie Major League the Movie Deep Dive treatment. Relive the best moments of your favorite baseball movie, learn scintillating facts about the cast and the shooting, and wait until you hear about how they used to figure out how fast pitchers were throwing. Seriously, it’s insane. You’ll learn fascinating stuff like: why was everybody wearing shorts and tank tops in Cleveland in October? Why aren’t there any libraries in Milwaukee? How did Willie know not to run on the first bunt attempt? Did Dusty Baker learn his bullpen management form Lou Brown? And did Cleveland not know Toledo was their triple-A affiliate?So gird up your loins for a look back at the Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger, Corbin Bernsen, James Gammon, President David Palmer, the “guy gets naked and runs out in the snow and barks at the moon, and the guy does the same thing in your living room” guy from Hoosiers, Nico Brown, Rene Russo and Bob Uecker tour de force. It’s a long one. So pace yourself.
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Didn’t believe the story about how they timed Bob Feller’s fastball?