Podcast: Movie Deep Dive - 1776

No, it's not THAT musical about the revolution, it's the other one

Podcast: Movie Deep Dive - 1776
Principal Feeney, Ed Truck, a guy who kinda looks like David Straithairn and the inventor of the stove, all wearing napkins in their shirt collars.

Just in time for Independence Day, Mike Pusateri and Andy are doing a deep dive of a movie made just…FIFTY years ago? It’s the movie version of the musical 1776, starring KITT from Knight Rider, the White Shadow, the governor from Benson and Gwyneth Paltrow’s mom.

But, if you’ve seen it, you know it’s a really good movie and if you haven’t…well, we dare you to listen to this podcast and not race to your TV to watch it.

It’s the story of the second Continental Congress featuring all of the old dead guys in wigs that you remember from history class. And just like the podcast, it’s funny and poignant and riveting.

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