Podcast: Cubs might need to buy to start selling
The boring team needs a draw, and we also fix most of Marquee Sports Network's problems for them. They're welcome.

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Tom Loxas joins the podcast to talk about how Jed Hoyer's display of a lack of ambition during his season post mortem might get challenged by the fact that the Cubs are having a hard time selling season tickets and ads on Marquee and really, much of anything these days. They discuss how a boring product can't sustain the current payroll and that the answer, whether Jed or Tom want to believe it might need to be sucking it up, acting like big boys and adding a big time player or two. They talk about how Marquee Sports Network hasn't delivered the precious revenues that Crane Kenney promised and helpfully suggest some new improvements to the pre and postgame, an alternative broadcast and mostly getting everybody drunk to get things more interesting. Then talk shifts to the Bears, Andy's love of early morning sports and daytime movie going, and how strange it is to see how games are actually supposed to be quarterbacked in professional football.
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