Podcast: Cubs end of year roster overview

There are a lot of holes, and some of the holes even have guys in them

Podcast: Cubs end of year roster overview

The calendar year is ending and we're just about six weeks from the start of spring training, so it's time to look at the Cubs' roster and see how it stacks up and...oof.

Half the infield is set and the other half is just bad, the outfield is fully stocked with questions, the rotation looks deep but lacks a top of the rotation stud, the bench is non-existent and the bullpen has a lot of guys who wear their gloves on their left hands.

So, with work left to be done, what are the Cubs options to improve it? That's an excellent question without an excellent answer.

Dive into the roster discussion.

Oh, and there are a few minutes at the beginning about the Bears most important remaining role. Losing to help keep the Packers out of the playoffs.

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