For David Ross it's bros before OPS

If playing Jason Heyward is wrong, Ross doesn't want to be right

For David Ross it's bros before OPS

We’ve heard Cubs president of “the money will be there when the money is needed and it’s my job to make sure the money is never needed” Jed Hoyer talk about why the Cubs insist on playing the desiccating husk of Jason Heyward. Blah blah blah, leadership, blah blah blah weight room rain delay speech, blah blah blah $184 million dollars, blah, blah, blah.

But the guys at The Bigs asked Cubs manager David Ross directly and started the clock and gave him exactly one minute to make us all infuriated, confused and questioning why we waste any of our time rooting for this franchise.

The full interview will drop today, and I’m sure it’s even more revealing, but I’m not sure I can take any more.

If you thought Ross threw most of his credibility away dressing like Green Lantern opened a Jiffy Lube on Dancing With The Stars…

…he set the rest of it on fire defending his indefensible need to keep playing the guy who literally let him use his suite on the road the entire 2016 season.

“J-Hey does so much on and off the field.”

Maybe he does a lot off the field, but the only way you can say he’s doing a lot on the field is if you mean he makes a lot of outs.