Carter Hawkins speaks!
He sat down with Cole Wright on one of the Marquee shows with all the exclamation points

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OK and away we go…
The trade deadline is coming up and who better to hear from than the sentient pile of mashed potatoes that Richard Dreyfus molded into the vague shape of a baseball GM while in an alien obsessed daze, Carter Hawkins?
Wait, who? Oh, yeah, he’s the Cubs’ GM. It’s easy to forget because Jed Hoyer’s really the GM, but he gets the fancy title and the big office with the pay toilet next to it over there at Gallagher Way.
Anyway, Carter stopped by the exclamation point refuge of Cubs Live! to chat with Cole Wright, and I watched it so you’ll never have to.
But it’s here in case you want to try to suffer through it.
This incredibly, is not the entire interview. But most of the highlights.
Cole Wright (CW): So as promised, here he is, the man of the hour. Cubs general manager Carter Hawkins.
Wait, what? Promised? It feels like more of a threat. What hour is he the man of? Happy hour at an all-male WASPy country club clubhouse?
CW: Thanks so much for taking time out. We know you are a busy man. Your schedule, it’s chock full, top to bottom.

CW: We’re gonna get diggin’ in here. So when it comes to being in your first year—first year with the draft, first year of the season in the books, how have all of those firsts gone?
Diggin’ in here? I have a feeling you’re going to be shovelin’.
Carter Hawkins (CH): Yeah, it’s been a little bit of drinking from a fire hose for sure.

CH: In this situation this month, you are out of the frying pan into the fire with the draft and the trade deadline.
Carter’s cliche game is on point. We’re just, “We have to take it one day at a time”, “ The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step”, and “It’s not how you start it’s how you finish” away from a ‘how to talk and say nothing’ BINGO.
CH: Couldn’t have had more fun over the past several months.
You really need to get out more.